May 16, 2021
Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
Lesson: God’s Team
First watch this lesson video:
After the video…
Explore together
Here are some questions to help you talk about the lesson with your family.
1. Which of God’s commandments did the Israelites break? (All of them!)
2. Did God still love the Israelites even though they ignored Him? (Yes. He never stopped loving them; He never stops loving us.)
3. The prophets warned the Israelites for 200 years to turn back to God. Finally the warnings came true — it was time for the exile. Do you remember what exile means? (It’s when you are forced to leave where you live as a punishment.)
4. Was the exile going to last forever? (No.)
5. God wants everyone on His team! When we say yes to God, what is the mission He gives us? (To love and obey Him and share His love with others in all we do and say.)
Seek God together
First tell your kids: We need God’s help to accomplish our mission. God sent His Holy Spirit to help us and give us strength and power to be on His team!
This is an opportunity to ask your kids if they’ve said yes to Jesus – to being on His team (His kingdom). If they haven’t, lead them in a prayer to receive the Lord Jesus into their lives. Here is an example: “Dear Jesus, thank you for dying for us and for rising from the dead. Forgive me of my sin and wash me clean. You are my King forever. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me follow You. Thank you God for rescuing me!”
There are so many people who need to know the love of God and what Jesus has done for us. Have each family member think of someone they know who needs God. Perhaps it’s a classmate or a neighbor. Take turns praying for the person on your heart: “Dear God, ______________ needs you. Please help them to know You and to say yes to following You.”
Close your time of prayer by reciting the Lord’s Prayer together:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. Amen.
Celebrate together
Here is a song reminding us that even when we mess up and even when we ignore God, He is faithful to “chase after us.” He loves us! (The motions are a lot of fun too!)