July 4, 2021
Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
Lesson: Real Love
First watch this lesson video:
After the video…
Explore together
Here are some questions to help you talk about the lesson with your family. Print out this template and color together while you talk.
1. What are some ways God shows His love?
2. How was the Samaritan’s love like God’s love?
3. What are some ways we can show love to others this week?
4. Are there people you are having trouble loving? Explain that real love is difficult on our own – that’s why it’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Share an example from your life of when God helped you to love. Encourage your child to seek God’s help.
5. See if your kids can recite the Memory verse from 1 John 4:19.
We love because he first loved us.
– 1 John 4:19
Seek God together
Build a prayer together using the P.R.A.Y. method from the Build-a-Prayer workshop. Assign the following parts to family members to pray aloud. Encourage them to add their own words if they feel like it.
Thank you God for loving us so much! You loved us so much that you died for us. You are alive again and You love us no matter what. Your love never ends. It’s as high as the sky is above the earth. We love you God!
God, forgive us for not loving You the way You deserve. Forgive us for not loving others. We can be so selfish. We confess that our love runs out. Forgive us, Lord.
A – (ASK)
God, please help us love others. We can’t do it on our own because our love runs out. We need Your help. When it’s hard to show love, please remind us that You first loved us. Please grow the fruit of love in us – the kind of love You have for everyone. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us love everyone like you do.
God, we want Your love to live in us. When we find it difficult to love others and we feel like ignoring those who need our help, please help us to want what You want. Help us to say yes to You and follow Your example Lord Jesus. You loved us and put us before Yourself. Please help us to put you first in our lives.
Celebrate together
Here are some songs about love…
For preschoolers, click HERE for a song about loving one another.
These next two are great for elementary age kids: