August 22, 2021
Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
After the video…
Explore together
Here are discussion questions and an activity to help you talk about the lesson with your family.
1. Complete this sentence: Gentleness is _________________ under control. (ANSWER: Strength)
2. Can you remember the ways Jesus is gentle? Let’s list them.
3. God wants to grow gentleness in us. What are some things in our home and family that require gentleness? (Examples: Playing carefully with a smaller sibling, washing dishes, how we speak to each other…)
Role Playing Actity (This can be spread out and extended into the week.)
Below are three scenarios. Have family members act out each scene in two ways. One way should be as it is written (without gentleness). Then re-enact the situation, but with a gentle solution or ending. (Be careful with the un-gentle scenarios! Make sure children are just pretending.)
1. A group of friends were tossing a ball to each other when Tyler came up and took the ball from them. Two kids ran after Tyler, grabbed the ball out of his hands and pushed him to the ground.
2. A family is relaxing together and listening to music. Sally wanted to listen to a new album and so she changed the music without saying anything. Anna and Dylan start screaming and yelling at Sally and calling her names.
3. At Ronny’s birthday party, they were going to have pizza. When the pizza arrived, a couple of kids ran up to the table, pushing and shoving, and filled their plates to overflowing. As a result, not all the other kids got to have pizza because there wasn’t enough.
Seek God together
Build a prayer together using the P.R.A.Y. method. Assign the following parts to family members to pray aloud. Encourage them to add their own words if they feel like it. There is something special to do before the last part.
Oh Lord, You are our great, gentle God who loves us. Even though you are all-powerful, You are gentle with us. Thank you so much God for your gentle, caring love.
Lord, we confess that we are not always gentle like You. Forgive us for the times we are like wild horses and don’t want to listen. Forgive us for the times we hurt others with our words and actions.
A – (ASK)
Heavenly Father, as Your children we want to be like You. Please grow the fruit of gentleness in each of us. When we get angry, help us to remember that You are with us and want to help us! Grow gentleness in us we pray.
Parents, for this last part explain… The last part is YIELD. Like our lesson said, yielding is what a horse must do to be tamed. It must give itself to its trainer or owner. In the same way we need to yield to God and say “OK, God, I give myself to You. Tame me, and help me follow You.” So for this part, let’s kneel together to show God that we give ourselves to Him.
Dear God, it isn’t always easy for us to be gentle. When we feel angry and begin to act selfishly, please help us to take a deep breath and give ourselves to You. Help us to let You tame us like the horse we learned about in our lesson today. We bow before you in worship. We love You God, and we give ourselves to You. In the Name of our Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Celebrate together
When we give our lives to God we can trust Him to lead us. Oh the things He’ll teach us and the places we’ll go! God is good.