Lesson: Sails 1 & 2 (Prayer & Bible Reading)
Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
First watch this lesson video:
After the video…
Explore together
Talk about the lesson with your family…
Print a copy of this coloring page for everyone, then use these questions to discuss the story of Josiah as you color together…
- 1. How old was Josiah when he became king? (8 years old)
- 2. What did Josiah see when he looked around at his people? What were they doing? (They were worshipping idols and not following God.)
- 3. Josiah started to have the Temple repaired. What did they find while they were fixing it? (The book of the Law – God’s Word)
- 4. Why was Josiah sad and upset when they read the book to Him? (Because he realized the people hadn’t been following God’s Word.)
- 5. What did Josiah do right away with the book? (He read God’s Word to the people. Then they all promised to follow God.)
- 6. Why is it important for us to read God’s Word?
Seek God together
Have a family member read aloud the prayer below to ask God to help you spend time in His Word regularly. Then close with the Lord’s prayer. You can say it along with the video below from our Build-a-Prayer workshop.
“Heavenly Father, being able to talk with You in prayer is a wonderful gift and being able to listen to You through the Bible is a treasure. Please help us this week to spend time with You, get closer to You and grow. Thank You for your great love for us, Oh God, and for all that You have done. In the Name of our Lord Jesus we pray. Amen.”
DURING THE WEEK: Parents, encourage your family to have daily quiet time this week.
- Pick a book or section of the Bible and get everyone reading it during their quiet time.
- Then in the evening, talk about it. Ask everyone to share what they learned about God from what they read.
Celebrate together
When we read the Bible and store it in our hearts, we stay close to God. This song, from Psalm 119:9-11 celebrates that!