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November 14, 2021

Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together.

Lesson: Thank You Teachers!

First watch this lesson video:

After the video

Explore together

Talk about the lesson with your family…
  • 1. Start by reciting the memory verse together:

“In everything gives thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:18

  • 2. What kinds of things do you think Moses, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego learned in school?
  • 3. What would the world be like without teachers?
  • 4. Name something you like or admire about your teacher.
  • 5. Parents, share a special memory about a teacher you had when you were young.
  • 6. What are some things your teacher might need? Do they need strength? Do they need to know God loves them? Encourage your kids to pray for their teachers, and say that we’ll do that at the end of our Church At Home time today.
  • 7. What are some ways you can say “thank you” to your teachers this week?

Put Thankfulness Into Practice: Make a card to send to teachers! Your kids can draw a picture on their own, or print a teacher appreciation coloring page from the Classroom Doodle website by clicking HERE. In the card or on the back of the picture, have them write the things they appreciate about their teacher and how they have helped them.

Seek God together

Have each of your kids think about what their teacher might need, then let them say a prayer about that need. After they’ve each had a turn, close with this prayer:

Dear God,
Thank you for our teachers. Help us to remember all the hard work they do and to show them our appreciation. Please bless them, help and strengthen them, and let them know You love them.
In Jesus’s name,

Celebrate together

Practice our memory verse by singing it:

Here’s a fun song of thanks: