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April 3, 2022

Parents, follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together.

Sailing the Sixty-Six: God’s Gigantic Forgiveness

First watch this lesson video:

Explore together

Here are questions and an activity to help you talk about the lesson with your kids.

1. When David was tempted, what should he have done? (Walked away, listened to God, asked God to help him…)

2. Can you think of a time when you didn’t listen to God? What happened?

3. When Nathan showed David his sin, what did David do? (He was so sorry and repented. That’s one of the things that made David different than Saul.) 

4. Did God forgive David? (YES!)

5. When you are told that you’ve done something wrong, how do you usually react? Do you make excuses? Lie to cover it up? Say you’re sorry?

6. God forgives us when we repent but sometimes there are consequences to our sin like there were for David. Can you think of some examples? (If you lie, others might not trust you again. If you break the rules at school you will get detention to help you learn, etc…)

7. What did you learn today about God’s forgiveness?

Memory Verse Time! Have everyone draw a heart on a piece of paper and write the memory verse inside it. Post your verses around the house to help you memorize it. (For younger children, have them draw a picture inside the heart of something God forgave them for.)

 “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.”  – Psalm 51:10

Seek God together

Tell your kids that there will be three parts to your prayer time together. 

1. Recite the beginning of the memory verse together: “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” Then let everyone silently pray about the things they need forgiveness for.

2. After a few minutes, recite the next part of the memory verse together: “Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Allow for another time of quietness where everyone can silently ask God to help them to be faithful in those areas where they may be struggling. 

3. Then give thanks to God for His forgiveness. Encourage kids to tell God in their hearts what His gigantic forgiveness means to them.

Then have someone close with this prayer:

O God, thank your gigantic forgiveness. You never give up on us. Thank you for dying on the cross for us and for rising again. You are our perfect Shepherd King. When we mess up, you forgive us and help us. Your constant love gives us joy and comfort. Help us to be loyal to you in all we say and do. We love you! We pray all this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Celebrate together

Celebrate God’s forgiveness in song: