May 29, 2022
Sailing the Sixty-Six: God Deserves the Credit
First watch this lesson video:
Explore together
Here are questions and activities to help you talk about the lesson with your kids.
1. Who was Naaman? a) a shepherd or b) commander of Aram’s army | ANSWER: b.
2. What disease did Naaman have? a) Lyme disease or b) Leprosy | ANSWER: b.
3. Who told Naaman about how Elisha could help him? a) a servant girl or b) the king of Aram | ANSWER: a. (Remind your kids that the servant girl had been captured by the Arameans. She could have hated Naaman and his wife, but instead she forgave and loved them.)
4. When Naaman got to Elisha’s house, what did Elisha’s messenger tell Naaman to do? | ANSWER: To dip himself in the Jordan river seven times and then he would be healed.
5. When God healed Naaman, how much money did Naaman give Elisha as payment for his healing? | ANSWER: NOTHING! Elisha would not take any money from Naaman because God healed him as a free gift. Elisha gave God the credit.
6. Naaman returned home giving God the credit for healing him. What are some things we can give God credit for in our lives?
Activity for this week: At the end of each day (at dinnertime or bedtime) have each family member give God credit for at least one thing.
Practice the memory verse! At the bottom of this page, under “celebrate together” you’ll find a great song using the words from this week’s verse:
By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. – Ephesians 2:8
Seek God together
As the lesson video explained, God’s grace is His undeserved free gift of rescue, forgiveness, and love. Use this opportunity to ask your child if they have said “yes” to God’s gift. Have they said “yes” to following Jesus? If they haven’t, ask them if they want to. Then lead them in a prayer similar to this…
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us. You came to rescue us and bring us back into Your family – not because we are so great, but because of your grace and love. Thank You for dying on the cross for our sin. We believe that You rose from the dead and You are alive to forgive us and be with us. We put our faith and trust in You. Help us to follow You for the rest of our lives.
Celebrate together
Here is a song that puts our memory verse to music with fun verses in-between!