June 5, 2022
Pentecost Sunday
First watch this lesson video:
Explore together
Here are questions to help you talk about the lesson with your kids.
Before you begin, light a candle.
1. What part of the lesson does the flame of our candle remind you of? (The flames of fire that came to rest on each of the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.)
2. What were the 3 signs that happened on the day of Pentecost? What do these signs make you think of? (the sound of a huge wind, flames, and languages. They make us think of God’s power and His Presence with us.)
3. What would you have thought if you had been one of the disciples on that day and you saw and heard the things that happened?
4. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him. Jesus wants to fill us with His power to help us live for Him. How does that make you feel?
5. The Holy Spirit is the Helper Jesus sent. In what ways do you need His help? (Take turns sharing.)
6. There are many people who need to know God’s love. Think of one or two people you know as a family and talk about how you could share God’s love with them.
Seek God together
Begin your time of prayer by taking turns thanking God for the Holy Spirit and the ways that He helps us.
Then, pray for the people you talked about in #6 above. Ask God for His Kingdom to come to their lives.
Then close with this prayer:
Lord, we need You! Please baptize us in the Holy Spirit like you baptized your followers on the day of Pentecost. Please give us Your power every day to love and obey you, to love each other, and to tell our friends, families, neighbors and the whole world about you! Help us never to forget that You are with us. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Celebrate together
Celebrate God’s power with this fun song. (You’ll need to stand up for this one!)