June 19, 2022
Sailing the Sixty-Six: God is For Us!
First watch this lesson video:
Explore together
Here are questions to help you talk about the lesson with your kids.
1. What was the Aramean king planning to do against Israel? (He was planning a surprise attack.)
2. Who was telling the king of Israel about the Arameans’ hiding spots so the Israelites could stay away from those places? (Elisha the prophet would tell the king after God told him about it.)
3. When the Aramean king found out about Elisha, what did he do? (He sent his army to capture him.)
4. One morning, after waking up, Elisha’s servant looked out the window. What did he see that frightened him? (The Aramean army had surrounded the city!)
5. Fill in the blank: Elisha said to his servant, “Don’t be _____________.” (ANSWER: afraid.)
6. What did Elisha see all around the city? (God’s heavenly army of angels that looked like horses and chariots of fire.)
7. What does this story teach us about God? (Possible answers: He is for us, helping us, even when we don’t see it. He loves us and protects us. We don’t need to be afraid.)
8. Practice the memory verse (Romans 8:31). Have one family member say the first part of the verse: “If God is for us.” Then have the rest of the family say the second part: “Who can be against us?” Take turns saying the first part with everyone following with the second part.
9. Explain to your kids that there might be difficult things we have to do this week and things we might be worried about. Then ask: After hearing this lesson today, how will you respond to those things when they happen?
Seek God together
First take turns sharing prayer requests about difficulties you each might be facing. Pray for each other and encourage each other to trust that God is for us and with us. Then say the Lord’s Prayer together:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. Amen.
Celebrate together
Here are two great songs about how God is with us and we can trust Him!