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November 7, 2021

Parents, just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids worshipping God and learning from His Word together.

Lesson: Thank You Family!

First watch this lesson video:

After the video

Explore together

Talk about the lesson with your family…
  • 1. What did Moses’ family do to protect and save his life? (Have your kids take turns telling the different parts of the story.)
  • 2. What was your favorite part of the story?
  • 3. Why does God give us families?
  • 4. How can we show our family members that we are thankful for them?
  • 5. Recite the memory verse together:

“In everything gives thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Here is a template you can use to color a thank you card and give to a family member.

Seek God together

Take turns praying for each other and for extended family. Then close with this prayer:

Dear God,
Thank you for all the good gifts you’ve given us, especially our families. Forgive us when we don’t appreciate each other. Help us to love each other the way you want us to – forgiving each other, protecting each other, and serving each other. We also thank You for our church family. Please bless everyone and help us all to follow you. In the name of our Lord Jesus we pray,

Celebrate together

Practice our memory verse by singing it:

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