May 31, 2020
Pentecost Sunday!
Parents, this lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
Lesson: We All Need The Holy Spirit
Bible Passages: Acts 1 & 2
First watch this lesson video:
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
Discussion & Activities
Celebrate Pentecost with some (or all) of the following activities.
Let your interactions with your child help you determine what parts to use. Use this as a time to talk, learn, pray and worship together.
Supplies Needed: Candle; Crayons/markers/colored pencils; Printed templates (see #2 below for the links).
1. Talk about the lesson
Before you begin, light a candle. Here are some questions to guide your discussion:
- – How many days did Jesus spend with His friends after He rose from the dead? (40)
- – How do you think God’s people felt at first when Jesus left and returned to heaven?
- – How many days did they wait for the Holy Spirit to come? (10)
- – What part of the lesson does the flame of our candle remind you of? (The flames of fire that came to rest on each of the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.)
- – What were the 3 signs that happened on the day of Pentecost? (the sound of a huge wind, flames, languages) What do these signs make you think of?
- – What would you have thought if you had been one of the disciples and you saw and heard these things?
- – How does it make you feel knowing that God is always with you?
- – The Holy Spirit is the Helper Jesus sent. In what ways do you need His help? (Take turns sharing.)
2. Color Together
Let everyone choose a template to color. Print them out and begin coloring.
As you color,
- – Talk about ways you can share God’s love with others this week.
- – Talk about specific people who need to know God’s love. What could you do for them as a family? Write their names down to help you remember to pray for them.
3. Pray Together
- – Begin by taking turns praising and thanking God for the Holy Spirit and how He helps us.
- – Pray for the people you listed in Activity #2. Ask God for His Kingdom to come to their lives.
- – Then lead your kids in this prayer:
Lord, we need the Holy Spirit! Please baptize us in the Holy Spirit like you baptized your followers on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts. Please give us Your power every day to do great things for you, to love each other, and to tell our friends and families and neighbors and the world about you! Help us remember that you are with us. Thank you Lord! In Jesus’ Name.
4. Sing together
Here is a fun song to sing and dance to:
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
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