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June 14, 2020

Parents, this lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!


Lesson: Stay Connected!

Bible Passage: Acts 9:1-19


First watch this lesson video:

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]

Discussion & Activities

Spend time talking about the lesson. Let your interactions with your child help you determine what parts of this section to use. Use this as a time to talk, learn, pray and worship together.


1. A fun way to talk about the lesson

Ask: What happened to Paul that changed him from being full of hate to full of love? (He met Jesus and followed Him.)

Act out the story together. Assign the following parts:

  • – One family member can be the narrator.
  • – One can be Paul.
  • – One can be Ananias.

Have the narrator read the story aloud from Acts 9:1-19 while the others act it out.


  • – Have “Paul” share how he felt meeting Jesus, becoming blind, then seeing again?
  • – Have “Ananias” share how he felt when the Lord told him to pray for Paul and how he felt after he prayed and Paul could see again.

Then say: God changed Paul and he wants to change us. He wants us to always be changing and growing all throughout our lives, growing the fruit of the Spirit. It starts by being connected to Jesus like branches on a tree.

Ask your kids if they are connected to Jesus and if they have any questions about it. This may be an opportunity for your child to accept Christ if he or she hasn’t already. Pray with them, encouraging them to ask Jesus in their own words to forgive their sin, be their King and fill them with His Holy Spirit.


2. Pray together

First take a few moments to practice sharing God’s love with each other. Have your family sit in a circle holding hands. Say the following to the person on your right. “[Family member’s name], God loves you so much.” Then that person will say that phrase to the person on her right and so on until it comes back to you.

Then lead your family in the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for rescuing us and connecting us to Yourself! We love you and want to be your branches. We need the Holy Spirit to grow us. This week especially, please teach us about love. We have trouble loving each other sometimes. Please forgive us. We need Your help and Your love. Please grow the fruit of love in each of us this week. Keep us close to you. In Your Name we pray.

Then close with the following blessing:

May God fill you with His love, and may you share His love with the people He brings into your lives. May you serve Him with this love each day of your life.


3. Sing together

Singing is like putting your prayer to music! Here is a song to express to God how we want to follow Him:

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]


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