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April 12, 2020

Parents, you’re the teachers! This lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together on this Easter Sunday!

Lesson: Easter Isn’t Cancelled!

Supplies Needed: 

  • – Crayons/colored pencils,
  • – This printed template OR drawing paper;
  • – A “microphone” (You can use a toy microphone, a real microphone, or a rolled-up piece of paper as a pretend microphone.)

Bible Passage: Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20

Lesson Video:

Watch this video together.

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]


Explore Together

After watching the video, use the following questions/activities to talk about the lesson. Younger children might not be able to get through all the questions/activities, but still use this as a time to interact, share, pray and worship together.

1. Practice the memory verse.

Take turns pretending to be the angel speaking to the women and saying the verse from Matthew 28:5-6. Use the hand motions to help you remember.

“Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

2. Talk about it!

First, you’ll need a “microphone.” You can use a toy microphone, a real microphone, or even a rolled-up piece of paper as a pretend microphone.

Then pretend you are the disciples being interviewed about the first Easter. A parent can take the role of the reporter. Take turns answering these questions and passing around the microphone:

  • – What happened to Jesus?
  • – How did you feel seeing Jesus alive again?
  • – What did Jesus tell you to tell everyone, everywhere?

3. Draw and discuss. Click HERE to print a cross template, or draw your own cross on a blank piece of paper. Decorate and color the cross however you like. You can include the memory verse, or titles like: “He is Risen” or “Easter isn’t canceled.” As you draw together, here are some questions to spark conversation:

  • – What moment in the Easter story is your favorite?
  • – How do you feel when you hear that Jesus is alive today?
  • – How do you feel when you hear that He made a way for you to live forever with God because he is our Rescuer?


Pray together

Below is a prayer you can pray together. You can also take turns using your own words to thank Jesus that He is alive.

Lord Jesus, you were dead – really, really dead and placed in a tomb. But you rose again! You are making everything new! You are our King! Come and breathe your forgiveness and peace over us. We love You, our Rescuer and our Risen King!

Celebrate Together

Praise our Risen King in song.

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]

When you’re finished, pray a blessing over your children:

[Child’s name], may you be filled with faith in our Risen King, filled with the knowledge that God loves you, filled with joy that He is alive, filled with the peace knowing you belong to Him.

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