April 19, 2020
Build-A-Prayer Workshop #1
Parents, you’re the teachers! This lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
Lesson: God Wants Us To Pray
Supplies Needed:
- – Crayons/colored pencils
- – This printed template
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:5-13
Lesson Video:
Watch this video together:
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”https://vimeo.com/409365911″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
Discussion & Activities
Here are some questions and activities to help guide you in conversation with your child about the lesson. You don’t have to use all the activities. Let your interactions with your child help you determine what to use. Use this as a time to talk, pray and worship together.
1. Practice the memory verse by standing up and singing along to this song:
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”https://youtu.be/Z984DP2NDgU” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
2. Print this template and color together while discussing these questions… (Don’t have your kids write anything in the thought bubble yet — that comes later.)
- – What did Jesus say was wrong with how the Pharisees prayed? (They thought God would hear them because they used lots of big, clever-sounding words. They showed off when they prayed, hoping people would think God loved them best.)
- – Why does God listen to us when we talk with Him? Is it because we are clever or use fancy words? (No! He listens because He loves us.)
- – Jesus gave us an example of how to pray. Do you remember what we call it? (The Lord’s Prayer.)
- – We learned two ways we can “build” a prayer. What are the two ways? (We can talk to Him from our hearts – short or long prayers. We can also use the Lord’s prayer as a guide to help us pray.)
- – What are some things we can talk with God about? (Let your kids name things… like thanking Him, asking for His help, asking Him to help people who are sick, asking Him for help making decisions, telling Him how we feel, telling Him we’re sorry about something, telling Him we love Him…)
- – Today we learned that God wants us to pray and we can tell God whatever is on our hearts. Think of something you would like to tell God and write it in the thought bubble on the coloring page.
3. Pray together.
- – Pray the Lord’s Prayer together:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever.
- – Take turns saying something from your hearts to God – either words to express your love to Him, or something you are thankful for, or a request.
4. Blessing: Pray a blessing over your children:
[Child’s name], God loves you and is always listening to you. May you know each day the joy of talking with your Heavenly Father in prayer.
5. End your time singing songs of praise to God. Here are two good ones:
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”https://youtu.be/U_ewLEvA8_o” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
[fullscreenvideo videourl=”https://youtu.be/Rq-o2OaVjnY” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]
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