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May 17, 2020

Build-A-Prayer Workshop #5

Parents, this lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!

Lesson: Repent, Forgive, And Let God Lead

Bible Passage: Matthew 18:21-34


First watch this lesson video. (Watch till the end!)

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Discussion & Activities

Here are some questions and activities to help guide you in conversation with your child about the lesson after you watch it together. Let your interactions with your child help you determine what parts to use. Use this as a time to talk, learn, pray and worship together.


1. Talk about the Bible Story

Have one family member pretend they are the “unmerciful servant” who was thrown into jail. Have them tell the story of what happened and why they are in jail. Other family members can ask questions along the way.

After, ask your kids:

  • – How is God like the king in this parable? (He forgave the man and didn’t make him pay back a huge amount of money. He gave him a clean start. In the same way, God forgives us of our sin when we ask and gives us a clean start.)
  • – Why do you think the man refused to forgive the other servant who owed him a small amount?
  • – Why is it hard to forgive each other sometimes?
  • – Why is it important to God that we forgive each other?

See if your kids can recite the memory verse:

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32


2. Pray together

With younger kids…

For a simple prayer time with pre-school kids, start by taking out some bubbles. Have everyone think of something they want to say sorry for and say sorry to God. Blow some bubbles. Tell your kids that just like the bubbles float away and pop, God takes our sins away and forgives us.

With older kids…

This week, say the Lord’s Prayer together every day. Below are 4 ways to use today’s building block. Use a different idea each day this week, starting today.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever.

  • Day 1: Focus on “Forgive us our sins.” Take a moment for everyone to silently confess their sins to God and repent. Then let each person voice thanks to God by saying, “Lord, thank you for forgiving me.”
  • Day 2: Focus on “As we forgive those who sin against us.” Take a moment for everyone to silently talk to God about someone they may need to forgive. Then lead your family in this prayer: “Lord, You have forgiven us of so much. We have an ocean full of your forgiveness. Forgiving someone who has wronged us is like giving a cup from that ocean to that person. Help us to do that. In Jesus’ Name.”
  • Day 3: Focus on “Lead us not into temptation.” Pause for a moment so everyone can think of a temptation they may be facing. Whoever wants to can pray aloud, “Lord, please help me to…” or “Lord help me to stop…” Then lead your family in this prayer: “Lord, please help us to want what is good and what pleases You. Hold us back from sinning and help us to stay on your path. Thank you for leading us gently back to You.”
  • Day 4: Focus on “Deliver us from evil.” Take turns praying sentence prayers about the trouble in the world around us. After each sentence prayer, have everyone say, “Lord, we trust You.”

This week, help your child commit the Lord’s Prayer to memory if they haven’t already.


3. Sing together

Singing is like putting your prayer to music! Here are two great songs to sing.

The first song is about God’s forgiveness. The second is the memory verse (Ephesians 4:32) put to music with motions.

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