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July 12, 2020

Parents, this lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!


Lesson: Pass Along The Patience

Bible Passage: Matthew 18:21-34


First watch this lesson video:

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]


Discussion & Activities

Now it’s time to talk about the lesson together.

Let your interactions with your child help you determine what parts of this section to use. Use this as a time to talk, learn, pray and worship together.

These activities can also extend into the week.


1. Talk about the lesson

Give your family a little quiz! Have the kids choose the right words to fill in the blanks in order to come up with a good definition of “patience.”

Patience is being able to _________ when something is delayed.

  • a. sleep
  • b. wait
  • c. scream         ANSWER: b. wait

Patience is having strength to keep going even when things are ___________.

  • a. smelly
  • b. easy
  • c. difficult       ANSWER: c. difficult

Patience is being _________ to get angry.

  • a. slow
  • b. quick
  • c. always ready        ANSWER: a. slow

See how well your kids understood the Parable from Matthew 18:21-34. Discuss the following questions:

  • – How is God like the king in the parable? (The king was patient and forgave the man his big debt. He gave him a clean start. In the same way, God is patient with us and forgives us of our sin when we ask.)
  • – Why is it hard to be patient with each other sometimes?
  • – Why is it important to God that we be patient and forgive each other?


2. Do a craft

Supplies needed:

  • – String or yarn
  • – Construction paper (or any kind of paper)
  • – Markers
  • – Tape

To remember that God has a “long fuse” and is very patient, create “dynamite” sticks with the memory verse written on them.

1. Have everyone write the memory verse across the top part of the paper.

The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

– Psalm 103:8

2. Roll up the paper and tape it closed. (Make sure the Bible verse is still visible.)

3. Tape the string inside the stick.

4. Recite the memory verse together when you are done.


3. Pray together

As a family, discuss your patience levels. How long are your fuses? Talk about the things in your lives that God is working on.

Then pray using the P.R.A.Y. method from the Build-a-Prayer workshop.

P   –   (PRAISE)

  • Have everyone take a moment to think about how patient God has been. Then take turns thanking God for His patience, love and forgiveness.

R   –   (REPENT)

  • Take turns confessing areas of your lives where you need patience or confessing times when you have recently been impatient. Ask God to forgive you.

A   –   (ASK)

  • Take turns asking God for help in situations where you need patience. Pray for God to grow the fruit of patience in your lives.

Y   –   (YIELD)

  • Close with this prayer:

“God, you have been so patience with us. We know that you want us to grow in patience like You. You are not finished with any of us yet. Please help us let You work in our lives the way You want to. We trust in your unfailing love.”


4. Sing together

Sing praise God for His love and patience.

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”″ autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]


Here’s a fun song to help you learn the Fruit of the Spirit:

[fullscreenvideo videourl=”” autoplay=”0″ fullwidth=”yes”]

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