September 20, 2020
Parents, this lesson is simple to use. Just follow the instructions and have a great time with your kids at home worshipping God and learning from His Word together!
Lesson: Sail #3 – Fasting
First watch this lesson video:
Discussion & Activities
Here are ideas to help you talk, learn, pray and worship together. There are even parts to use during the week.
1. Talk about the lesson
- See if your child understood what fasting is by asking them to tell you what it means. (Fasting is when we give something up that we don’t need for a time to make room for God – to spend more time with Him or think about Him more.)
- Ask your child how fasting helps us grow by completing this sentence: Fasting helps us _____________ (Answer: Focus)
- Practice the memory verse together and explain that this verse reminds us to keep our focus on God:
“Look to the Lord and to His strength. Always look to Him.” – Psalm 105:4
Put it into practice
An important note: When it comes to fasting from food, parents should monitor what children are doing. Skipping a meal is not recommended for children. Instead, kids can abstain from certain foods like sweets or soda or dessert for a time.
Make your own Give up/Fill up cups as shown in the video.
- Label two cups – one that says “Give up” and one that says “Fill up.”
- – The “Give up” cup will contain ideas for things you can fast from.
- – The “Fill up” cup will contain ideas for things you can do in its place to focus on God.
- You can come up with your own ideas as a family, or you can print this sheet of ideas and cut out the slips of paper for the cups.
Put the cups somewhere in your home for everyone to have access to. You can use the cups individually whenever a family member wants to fast. You can also decide to use the cups to do a family fast together.
2. Pray Together
Close with this prayer for your family:
Lord, You are the most important one in our lives. You fill us up with Your amazing love each day. We ask that you help us to focus on You. Help us to make time for You. Draw us close to You this week. Remind us of your awesome never-ending love, and help us grow more like You. We ask this in the Name of our Lord Jesus.