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"It is for freedom that Christ set you free"

Welcome to Freedom Hill

We are a vibrant, energetic, and loving community of Christians, a collection of people from all over the world, and from all different kinds of backgrounds, pulled and held together by God’s grace, mercy, and love

Latest Sermon

Psalm 63

Upcoming Events

A Campfire Night of Song & Prayer

August 23, 2024 19:00 Freedom Hill Community Church
Friday, August 23rd at 7:00 p.m. on the back patio of the Sanctuary building Join us for an alternative opportunity to casually gather to sing out in praise and worship,…

Men’s Cookout

August 18, 2024 12:30 Freedom Hill Community Church
Men! Join us on August 18th for an after-service cookout. We’ll be grilling down in the lower field. Please sign up so we can plan accordingly! We just ask for…

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