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Dear Church Family,

It is a difficult time for our world, our nation, and our community as we do our best to keep the coronavirus from getting any worse than it already has. For many, this has caused an incredible amount of fear. We need to react, but we don’t need to react out of fear. Because of Jesus, we can react out of love. If we will react out of love, we will have a profound impact on our community for Christ.

Here’s what we’ve decided to do as a church family in order to react out of love:

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[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]We are suspending all gatherings until further notice. This includes all LifeGroups, Paradigm youth group, and Kids’ Clubs. [/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Our Food Pantry and after-school will both remain open, operating with updated procedures to keep everyone safe.[/list_item][list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]We will be live streaming our Sunday morning worship service in an online community forum. If, for some reason, you’re not able to attend the live stream, the video will be available afterward.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Pastor Christina and her team will provide materials for parents and their children to have “Kids’-Church-at-Home.”[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Please take advantage of our on-line and mobile app avenues for giving. Many churches will suffer extreme financial hardship during this time. Don’t forget that our giving is not for a “service.” It is an act of worship, acknowledging all we have is God’s.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]We’re creating a “Community Care” list where people in need can sign up if they’re not able to shop and get groceries, and where others can volunteer to help. Whichever situation you’re in, please sign up here. [/list_item]


Here are some ways you can react lovingly during this crisis:

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[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Invite your neighbors and friends to watch our services online. This could be an incredible opportunity to reach people who aren’t comfortable coming to church. Turn crisis into opportunity![/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Observe the CDC’s recommendations for avoiding illness and what to do if you become sick.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]Don’t hoard. Share. Be generous. Watch out for your neighbors. Show them Jesus’ love.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fa-caret-right” type=”icon”]If you able to help shop for groceries for someone in need, please fill out this form. [/list_item]

Please join me in praying that this pandemic ends quickly. Pray for our local, state, national and global leaders. Pray for all the medical personnel that are tirelessly responding to this pandemic, especially those in our own church family. Lastly, pray that this would be an opportunity to grow and expand the kingdom of God. This is our opportunity to react out of love, instead of fear. Lord Jesus help us rise to the occasion.

In Love,

Pastor Anders